Are the products Natural/Organic?

Herbals are a natural product, meaning every ingredient is a natural herb or oil. The only exception is the Preservative used which is synthetic.

Why do you use a Synthetic preservative in a natural product?

There are tons of preservatives (a compound that extends shelf life and deters bacteria and mold in the product). A natural preservative is not as stable and you may have to use more than one to get close to the preserving power of a synthetic. I chose not to take a chance with my customers or my brand and go with a synthetic preservative

Do you guarantee hair growth with your products?

No one can guarantee hair growth for various factors (medications taken, environment, haircare regimen, styling products etc.) Herbal Coils focuses on the health of your scalp and hair strands. Providing the scalp with the right environment, HAIR WILL GROW. Simply put as a plant lover: If you keep watering a plant, it'll grow, but at a slow rate of speed, and harboring root rot beneath the soil. If you add fertilizer to that same water, the plant will bloom and grow massively to its fullest potential. Herbal Coils is that fertilizer (literally) for your hair. I CAN GUARANTEE THAT A HEALTHY SCALP, PRODUCES HEALTHY LONG HAIR.

Why do you not except return/exchanges on your hair products?

Because my products are hand crafted at the time of purchase. Unlike selling apparel,  I can't accept a return because it didn't fit properly, restock it and sell it again to someone else, nor can I exchange for a different size or color. I have put a lot of time into the details of each product and their ingredients for you to research if you like. In good Faith, it would be hard to except a hair butter (example) back, knowing some else's fingers have been in that jar. With any return/exchange the sold product would be discarded when I received it back.

I'm not Natural, so can I still use these hair products?

Certainly! Herbal Coils is Lifestyle, not a movement (lol). As long as you have hair, (or trying to grow some) you can use it. I've got male clients that love it for growing in bald patches or receding hairlines. Ayurvedic herbs have been used by many cultures for centuries for moisture, growth, and maintenance. 

What makes your products different than any other hair products?

Great question!! Let me explain. Herbal Coils is natural, so that means there are no drying effects or chemical overload to hair that is already struggling. The herbal infusions have been staples for centuries, and do exactly what they say they do. Their properties (moisture, protein, reviving etc), are one benefit, but they also come with their own specific vitamins and mineral, that don't just sit on the hair but go deep into the cortex of it. Health from the inside out. 

Do I have to use a specific shampoo/conditioner combo, or can I mix and match?

You can definitely mix and match. Your hair has different needs at different times of the year, I know mine does. Or you may need a little more protein this time. You can mix and match depending on your hair needs.