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Moringa is a Superfood for hair. Moringa has a rich quantity of zinc, Vitamin A, and iron which are very essential for hair growth. Zinc keeps the oil glands in the scalp healthy and nourished. This majorly maintains the scalp environment and makes the scalp apt for hair growth.

 Vitamins A and B in Moringa promotes hair growth, while vitamin A helps moisturize your hair and keeps off dandruff, stimulates the production of sebum from the sebaceous glands (moisturizes the scalp and helps keep the hair healthy). Vitamin B aids in creating red blood cells which carry oxygen and nutrients to the scalp and hair follicles. Proper blood circulation in the scalp allows the hair follicles to grow strong and healthy. Hair loss can also occur if you have a vitamin B deficiency especially Vitamin B6, inositol, biotin, and folic acid.

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